A Message about Miracles

 I wanted to share with you a conversation I had with God last week.  I know that when I receive intuitive messages for myself, I also need to share these words of inspiration with others.  (My disclaimer:  Spirit is right to the point when I ask for guidance.  If the message seems a little harsh, well, it is, because that’s how I needed to hear it).

 Last week,  I said, “God, I need a miracle. I desire to take my business to the next level and sell more books. What do I need to do?”  And this was the reply:

 Message #1

”If you choose NOT to “see” the miracle in everything and everyone, YOU are missing the point.  Miracles and blessings are everywhere! If your ego needs to “see” a miracle, go outside and LOOK at a tree.  Notice it’s magnificence. Imagine how many storms it had to weather in order to become the structure that it is today.  Become aware. Look into the eyes of child or animal and feel their innocence.  Take a moment–feel your own heartbeat. That’s a miracle!”

 Message #2

Get over yourself.  Become miracle minded. Instead of asking for a miracle, BE A MIRACLE!  Everywhere you go, look for ways to BE a miracle in somebody’s  life.  Period.

 My mission:

I began to look for ways on how I could positively impact anything (a friend, neighbor, stranger, an animal, or the environment).  My goal was to serve, unconditionally–either through helping an entrepreneur promote their business, giving a compliment, a smile, holding a door, picking up litter, or simply by holding space for a complete stranger, without judgment or criticism,  being in a state of peace and expressing love.

 Guess what happened….

 On Thursday, my book hit the best-sellers list on Amazon.  Sure, that was really exciting and I’m eternally grateful.  But, in all honesty, the best part of this exercise wasn’t about me or my book.  It was about the joy I felt in my heart when I was on a mission to BE A MIRACLE for somebody else!  It was so much fun!!!

 Starting today, I challenge you to BE miracle minded.  Be the miracle you are seeking in your own life!  Start small.  Do it for one-day, a week or a month.  Journal about your experiences.  Notice how your outside world begins to change with a slight shift in your consciousness.  

 With much love and gratitude,


P.S.  If you know someone who may benefit from this message, please forward it.  It just may be what they needed to hear….

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