Fall into Abundance!

Fall has arrived and it’s time to reap the benefits from the seeds you’ve sown and harvest the fruits of your labor.  This is also the season for transformation –and embracing change.   The energetic shifts that occur during this time of year are palpable.  Not only can you feel it, but you can see it!  Ranging from various outdoor color schemes and mother nature’s furry creatures acquiring new winter coats, to the desire to eat hearty foods  –change is pervasive.   

 And…it’s the opportune time to purge, and release stagnate chi or energy that may be holding you back.  The Universe works in mysterious ways.  But, in order for new opportunities, people and experiences to present themselves, it’s essential to make “space” for the shift to occur—in the mind, body and environment.  Through intentionally letting go of excess baggage, you are communicating to the Universe that you are ready to move forward. The Universe is an unlimited supply of energy– trust it.  Be willing to let go of anything that is no longer serving you and detach–and this includes “stuff” –the material possessions you continuously find yourself shuffling from one corner to the next. 

 So, I wanted to share with you a feng shui tip that I make an effort to do every spring and fall.  I clean house by clearing stagnant energy using lemon or orange essential oils and scrubbing the floor, baseboards and door handles.  I also re-organize and give away clothes, books, stuff and remove clutter.  I consciously move the energy in my house and office by  “shifting” the chi: cleansing, shedding and purging.  Remember, if your mind-set enforces insensible thoughts such as  “there is not enough to go around, so I better keep this just in case” then you’re demonstrating a scarcity and lack mentality; therefore, closing the door for new opportunities and limiting the Universe’s ability to graciously give.  If you believe the Universe is abundant, it will be.  If you believe there isn’t enough to go around– those beliefs will materialize as well.  You get what you focus on —consciously or unconsciously.      

 Purging can be a daunting process. Start small, but tackle it head on!! Begin with the basement, a corner in your house, the closet or maybe a drawer. Recycle papers, magazines, computers, clothes, blankets, or whatever it is that is taking up excess space.  And, if the articles are still in good condition, consider donating these items to the homeless, schools and pet shelters.

The heaviness of toting around physical clutter can be quite cumbersome. Cleanse your environment and physically make room for abundance–internally and externally.  Besides, it’s always the giving season!  Share. Donate. Be a blessing and you will be blessed.  What you give away is returned and magnified.  You reap the seeds you sow. 


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