The Common Thread: A story between a man and his dog and how the power of love can heal a forgotten soul


Based on the In-Spirit-ational work that I get to do, I often hear extraordinary stories from clients who are looking for a bit of insight about their current situation. Many of the stories are unforgettable, heart-wrenching, and loving moments in time when I even say, “WOW! Holy Smokes!! Really??!!”

I wanted to share with you a story about a man and his dog. This is proof of how our beloved animals are not only reliable companions, but spiritual messengers and healers.  They invite us to take a deeper look into our own hearts and examine the energy we may be subconsciously projecting to the world around us.  Animals are highly sensitive creatures and have been given instincts for a reason. To keep them safe!!! Like you and me, we all want to feel safe, secure and unconditional love.

Animals have the uncanny ability to teach us how to better master ourselves through demonstrating acts such as: trust, detachment and unconditional love. Animals also have the tendency to mirror our deep- seated wounds, pain and unresolved hurts that may be standing in the way of living a life of inner freedom and happiness.  If you choose to take the time to truly connect with your four- legged friend, you may find the wisdom you are seeking; and insight on how to resolve a daunting situation.  When you are ready to become aware and listen to the spiritual messengers that are always guiding you in the direction of knowing yourself, you behold authentic power and the necessary ingredients to heal your life from the inside-out. It’s true. Anything is possible when you are willing to expand your mind, open your heart, and feel the source of unconditional love.

I share this story with you for various reasons. First of all, I am an animal lover. And secondly, my passion and purpose is to help others make successful choices and offer inspirational insights on how to move forward. [For obvious reasons, the names in this story have been changed to maintain the integrity and privacy for all who are concerned.]


One afternoon, a gentleman named Darin came into my office for an intuitive consulting session for his 3 year old, 160 lbs., beautiful gray, great dane, Max. Max glowed with a kind, happy-go-lucky spirit and savored the attention from anyone who was willing to acknowledge his presence. He proved to be intelligent beyond his own good and quickly acquired the label of being a “high-maintenance problem child.” You see, Max had severe anxiety issues and hated to be left alone; even for a short period of time. For example: When Darin resigned Max to his doggie crate, (because he couldn’t be trusted otherwise) he would bark uncontrollably, and repeatedly spin in circles, until he would tip the crate over (with him in it) and break the door wide open. And then… veraciously proceeded to chew holes through the drywall, in hopes of burrowing his way to find his favorite human. It was no secret. This dog had been severely traumatized in numerous ways: including experiencing the underlying pain of lack of love and no stability. Throughout his journey, Max had continuously been tossed around from one family to the next, living in a total of 5 foster homes, until finally, one day, he was taken in by an owner who was willing to cater to his needs and give him a forever place to stay.

Undeniably, Max was shown unconditional love by his new owner. It came in the form of constant attention, daily walks, car rides and he was a regular client at doggie day care. But because Max’s behavior was getting to become costly: emotionally, physically and financially, Darin was at “odds” with what-to-do next. He thought that putting Max “to sleep” (euthanizing him) might be his only option for eliminating Max’s internal struggle and irrational behavior. Granted, this decision was not taken lightly, therefore; Darin was willing to give Max any chance he could before scheduling the final vet appointment.

The day Darin brought Max into my office to ask for inspired advice, my stomach twisted and turned when I heard about this dilemma.  I wanted so badly to say something that would inevitably change Max’s destiny, but I was unsure of what that would be.

As we sat, conversing about the obvious, I was rubbing Max’s belly—and my intuition “hit” me like a ton of bricks! The real reason why Darin was sitting in front of me wasn’t because of Max! Max was only the catalyst to get Darin into my office. The issue remained with Darin —and Max was sent to help his human friend heal various aspects of his life. Max was unintentionally shedding “light” (no pun intended) on his owner’s unresolved issues. The underlying pain of never belonging and abandonment Darin had faced throughout his entire life was finally being brought to the surface. Make no mistake, this unresolved issue was yearning to be thoroughly addressed, healed and released. It was all part of the Divine plan.

When I talked with Darin about the intuitive insight I received about their relationship, his eyes began to swell and tears began streaming down his face. He was experiencing the pain that had been suppressed for years, and now he was being  given the opportunity to heal the past in the present moment.

I’ve often heard those who have rescued homeless animals say, “ I was the one who was actually being saved,” …and after hearing this statement, it seems to hold true in this instance, as well. The significance between this man and his dog seemed almost unreal.

So, as this life coaching session was coming to a close, Darin asked what should the next steps be to help Max find peace considering the circumstances.  And my advice was, “With all your heart, empathize and have compassion for Max. And while you are doing this, empathize and have compassion for the boy within you. The one who was once neglected years ago. This experience is being brought to your consciousness so that you can heal yourself; and heal Max at the same time.”   I also offered this suggestion, “Give Max one more week. And if the situation doesn’t change, then follow your heart when determining Max’s fate.” Darin replied, “Okay, and walked out.”


Fast- forward two days.

Every week I volunteer for hospice. But before we begin with the day’s activities, a few of us discuss the highlights of the week.  (PS. There are no coincidences in life).

As we were sharing our thoughts, one woman said, “I have a story,” and everyone’s ears perked up to listen! She said, “My neighbor owns a doggie day care and had the strangest thing happen to her today.  One of her favorite clients, this beautiful gray, great dane was standing at the top of a staircase, but missed taking the first step; and unfortunately tumbled to his death. He shattered the bones in his hind legs and the fractures were unrepairable. They were forced to put him down, immediately. The owner was devastated and said, ‘I have just lost my best friend and one of the greatest teachers in my life.’ “

Yes. This is Max’s story and how these extraordinary circumstances prevented Darin from having to make the unbearable decision of putting him “to sleep.”

Honestly, I could barely believe the story myself.   What were the chances of me hearing about my client, who literally came into my office 2 days prior in a completely unrelated environment!?? I was shocked and speechless. But at that precise moment, an expanded view of the “bigger picture” became obvious to me. Max’s desire to leave his physical body was irrefutable. In addition, he no longer wanted to cause his master further stress, heartache or pain. So, Max decided to take it upon himself and place his destiny into his own paws.

Needless to say, the following day, I received a phone call from Darin verifying the information I’d already known to be true about the death of Max.

In the end, Max remained a forever loyal companion as he demonstrated in this message so clearly: No relationship in life is ever a one-way street. We are ALL here to guide, inspire and empower each other (and the lives of furry critters) in the best way we know how.   And the Divine blessing was that Darin and Max were given the opportunity of being brought together in order to heal similar wounds; and given the wherewithal to recognize the meaning behind the gift of giving and receiving unconditional love. You, too, can heal your life and be of assistance to those around you. Anything is possible when you add a big dose of LOVE! Love can and will heal any man, woman or pet’s heart with a little bit of effort and a lot of soul.

P.S. If you enjoyed this story, please help me share this message with your friends and family.  Forward, Like, share, tweet, pin, or “send it through the airwaves.”

Namaste, Angela 🙂















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