Relationships! How to gracefully “get through” a Change with your significant other.

Change in life is inevitable, but remembering to “Unconditionally Love yourself and others” through the process can directly influence the end result.  You ALWAYS have the ability to uplift the spirit of those around you through offering the smallest gestures and making conscious choices.

{I’ve not only “lived” these words (and some lessons learned the hard way) but I’ve also watched them “play out” in the lives of those around me…..recognizing that the message that we teach is often the Universe’s reminder of our own consciousness.}


Conversation with the lady sitting next to me at breakfast.

Me: Big week ahead of you?

Lady: Yes. My divorce will hopefully be final. I’ve spent a ton of money on court costs. My soon to be ex-husband is such a jerk. He’s so irritating. We argue about everything. Who knows how he will act in courtroom. Probably like a a$$, as usual. I’m so angry about it all.

Me: I understand. Change sucks and can be painful while you’re in the middle of it.

Lady: How do you handle a situation when you just want it to end?

Me: Well.. I’ve tried 2 approaches. Both being successful depending how you perceive it. The first approach was the: Anger, resentment, guilt and shame approach which was a waste of time, silly and worthless. It didn’t get me anywhere— except more suffering. Then I tried the second approach: Loving my way through it. Loving myself, the other person, and the entirely of the situation. I resisted nothing. I learned to accept the way it is. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t speak up for myself. But with each step, I moved with conscious courage, and I no longer allowed myself to operate from a “victim mentality;” therefore, allowed me to stand strong on my own 2 feet—plus I took responsibility for 100% of my behaviors.

So in my opinion, if you really want to “get back” at your husband— love him like never before. Authentic, pure and unconditional. He won’t know what happened to him, or you!!! And when YOU no longer stoop to his level, the energy that you are emanating is really the best revenge. Try it. All YOU have to do is to be willing to dig into the depths of your own heart…

Lady: Well…. but…..that seems like it would be impossible for me to do.

Me: Yeah.. I understand. And it might be beyond your mind’s ability at this point in time. So allow for your inner Light to do “the work,” and you focus on staying centered and getting your ego/personality out of the way. The Light can be much more efficient when you’re not setting up barriers that prevent the Essence from transforming your life. But you will have to do your share which is to intensely hold the Presence in the moment. Hey…I didn’t say it will be easy, but what I am saying is that it can be done if you are willing .

Lady: I will be all alone in the court room

Me: No you won’t

Lady: What do you mean?

Me: Take God with you.

Lady: I can do that?

Me: Why wouldn’t you? The absolute truth is that God is everywhere, and in everything. He’s the best resource YOU will ever have in YOUR LIFE…just ask. And use intention when you ask for help. And then, again, do your best to get “out of the way” and trust in the process. When you infuse Unconditional Love into any situation, it will always work out in your favor.

Lady: Sitting quietly …. I will.

Me: My breakfast is awesome …..


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