Feng Shui to create a Transformation

Hello everyone,
With spring well underway, the time is now to stimulate the chi in your environment using Feng Shui principles to provide space for new opportunities to blossom.
Feng shui is an art that originated from ancient China which claims to use techniques to harmonize individuals with their surroundings promoting health and well-being.
Everything is energy and by elevating the vibrational frequency in your environment, you’re making a request to the Universe that you’re ready for something new to appear.
Now while there are different methods to use when applying Feng Shui, keep in mind every individual or structure has an electromagnetic field operating as a force attracts experiences that align you with your deepest thoughts and patterns.
Let me share with you an example of what I’m talking about…
I was hired to feng shui a home. The house had been on the market for months and although the couple had quite a few showings, no one offered to purchase, so my client asked if there was something we could do.
In the beginning, we re-arranged some of the furniture, hung a mirror and cured a number of rooms that were energetically scattered. We also “cleared” the area using spiritual tools but that still wasn’t enough to get desired results.
The house’s “holding” pattern was actually rooted in my client’s emotional field which was being reflected in the sale of the house.
I asked her if she could remember unfavorable childhood experiences around “moving.” She said, “yes!” She harbored a lot of resentment as a child growing up in a military family and moving around every 2 years.
We talked about her situation and then walked her through a healing mediation. From a spiritual perspective, the body is a temple that houses the soul. There is a significant connection between a house and the individual who owns the house.
Needless to say, the day after our intuitive session a potential buyer put down an offer on the house and it sold! Pretty amazing!!
This is just one of the many stories I can share about the power of Feng Shui. When we “shift” the chi within the environment, the Universe responds according to the vibration of the one who is seeking an outcome.
So if you feeling inspired this time of year, you can begin to feng shui your home or office by decluttering closets, replacing broken objects and using white sage to transcend the “debris” that may be stifling an abundant harvest.
Cheers to a happy spring,
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