05 Mar A beacon of Light
Last week I attended a competitive gun/shooting training with World Champion, JJ Racaza. I love learning and training with those who are the “best” in their field because I know that their wisdom will enhance my life.
Besides I want to be proficient and know how, when and where to use this kind of “tool” for self-defense. You know, just in case I’m ever in a situation when I need my reactions to be swift and accurate, and “kick in” to defend myself or others.
Just like any “tool,” the feet, hands and fingers are also powerful instruments for transmitting and moving energy.
So during last week’s workshop, one of the other instructors snapped this photo of JJ working with me to “feel” for the gun’s wall before pulling the trigger. (This will be a slow process to master but it is a lot of fun!)
At first glance of this photo, I didn’t notice the beam of light on the left until I looked again. Then, the thought came to mind: “God was holding my gun steady while I was busy focusing on my trigger finger.”
So whether you’re focusing your hands (and heart) for using the power of prayer (photo at bottom taken when praying over Trigger,) holding a gun, or a 4 year old pushing the throttle while driving a 3 wheeler, the Light is always with you.
You always have the opportunity to be the force of Light in any given situation to use as you’re guided, or use the Force for intuitive guidance for making the “right” choices in life.
The Higher your internal vibration the more efficient you’ll be in “seeing” the BIGGER picture for achieving optimal health, happiness, goals and desires.
A picture is worth a thousand words…
and the evidence is everywhere.
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