A message from a Flower. Looks towards the stars!

Have you ever noticed that Nature is speaking to us all the time, but we do need the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Just the other day, I was walking passed the stargazer flowers that were sitting on my kitchen table and when I glanced at them, it’s as if they were reaching out saying, “hello. I’m speaking to you!”

Of course the first day that I brought them home, they were fragrant and vibrant but as the week progressed, the flowers began to die. Or did they?

I was consciously made aware of this:

The flowers began to wilt as the petals began to perfectly fold back in the opposite direction. The freckles, now little ”spikes” were sharp (giving me the indication it was still necessary to be in “protection” mode) as the inner stem was growing upwards! Like an antenna. As if it was moving towards the stars. The Heavens. I guess this is why it’s called a stargazer.

So bringing this reflection back to “me/you” and life, itself……

  1. In this human experience, it’s essential to continue developing and growing the “inner self” while focusing our energy towards the heavens.

2. “Speckle” your body with Light for protection.

Mother Nature is a beauty.

Have a blessed day,


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