13 Feb Align your energy with God and take the next step….
Are you ready to release the old story attached to your energetic vibration?
The mind is a powerful thing. And chances are if your mind/spirit are not in alignment with your heart’s desire, you may be sabotaging your own experience. You can either use the vibration of fear as the motivator for your goals or the saboteur in what you desire to create.
Yes, moving through fear may be a daunting process because your “story” once had relevance but it no longer needs to be that way.
The acronym for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real and beholds the energy to stifle your success especially when gone undetected.
This is why you gingerly approach new opportunities with eyes wide open and let your intuitive voice be your guide on how to proceed forward.
Be on the lookout on how God may show up in your life. This may be the small miracle you’ve been seeking. Wisdom can appear in a variety of ways such as: messages appearing on license plates, strangers on the street, songs on the radio or frost on the hood of a car.
Set your intention and open your heart to receive all that the Universe has to offer.
Cheers to a Loving Valentine’s weekend,
I know a month ago I told you about this photograph I took with my iPhone on 11/21/21 at 7:21am. Well I’ve taken this project one step further and felt inspired to create pictures to hang on the wall.
There are two different sizes of “The Morning Frost and it’s kinda like a small slice of Heaven in your intimate space.
This print is also a powerful force for stimulating stagnant chi, as it symbolizes the water element according to Feng Shui principles. So if you’re wanting to add “motion” in your environment and you’re in the market for a unique picture, let me know if you’d like to purchase “The Morning Frost” and we can talk about the details involved.
**(the photo at the top needs to be rotated so the words are at the bottom)
Print only (includes shipping) $65
Print with frame and an autographed story on the back (also includes shipping) $199
Print only (includes shipping) $95
And depending on the style of frame and shipping costs, the price will vary.
I already have a few amazing stories about the power of this photograph that is hung in various homes. I will save the details for later as I’m also continuing my journey in sharing the message of Love.
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