Always Transforming…

Last week I shared a message about the fall season and how it’s the perfect time of year to let “stuff” go….

Well today I’ve been inspired to share another short message about transformation, and how we are all on a journey into transforming into something Greater.

Last Saturday I received a phone call that my good friend, Yvonne, is in hospice. She’s was diagnosed with a brain tumor 4 years ago and is only 47 yrs old. Her son, Niall, is a big fan of Trigger the Wonder Horse and one afternoon Trigger and I taught Niall how to pray.

When I received news about Yvonne I immediately got into truck and headed her direction. I wanted to see her one last time before she made her earthy transition.

Well today I got another phone call that she is indeed knocking on the doors of heaven.

I was in the park when my phone rang so it seemed natural to sit awhile longer in nature and say a few prayers.

So as I’m walking home I asked God to give me sign that Yvonne would be okay. And then I looked down. A caterpillar was making his/her way across the sidewalk

I bent down and picked it up.

And then a spiritual message popped into my mind:

“Yvonne is getting her wings just like this caterpillar will eventually grow into hers.”

Nature amazes me in every way.

Thanks for reading,


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