Attract a Breakthrough in your Life! Ask Yourself these Essential Questions that may Change Everything

Have you noticed who is “showing up” in your world??

If you’re seeking ideas on how to transform your circumstances, then here’s a suggestion. Choose to become aware of everyone who “randomly” enters your life, and notice if there’s a spiritual message representing this connection. The Universe is often relentless when wanting to grab your attention, and decoding the signs that are being provided isn’t always a simple task. But through reflection and contemplation, the answers you’re wanting may be staring you in the face.

I want to share a short story about my latest ah-ha moment:

This opportunity appeared a few weeks ago. One day I received 2 phone calls and encountered a face-to-face “run in” with individuals from my past, whom I had a history with. Now granted, there wasn’t anything to “run” from regarding these previous relationships but intuitively I knew there was a “story” still attached. In essence, I had a belief about myself that was unresolved, and I was bound to experience similar results until I addressed my thought processes.

So during my evening mediation, my inner spirit spoke to me and gave me specific directions on transcend the barriers that were impacting my future. The results were extraordinary as I immediately felt liberated from the “spiritual ties” that were interwoven throughout the base of my spine. “I was free.” In fact, those were the words that I heard.

If you’re wanting to take your personal healing to the next level, begin with asking yourself these questions:

“What beliefs do I behold about myself? How am I benefiting from them? What do I need to do to release them?”

If you’re unsure of what those beliefs are, begin to pay attention to who and what is arising out of no where, as the Universe is continuously pointing you in the direction of self-healing. Your inner frequency and subconscious thoughts attract parallel experiences into your immediate world, despite what you want. Therefore, until your internal vibration shifts, chances are you’ll continue to manifest what you’re “familiar” with and prove that your belief system is the ultimate reality.

Blessings for a great week,


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