06 Jun Be on the lookout for these little gems….
Hello everyone,
Many blessings to you.
I hope this email finds you well and gives you a sense of hope after you read this short note.
I feel that now more than ever we need to be reminded that God is in control and our “job” as a spiritual being having a human experience is to balance our inner energy, align our vibration and focus on the Good.
So when you’re out and about in Mother Nature please take a moment to look up or look down, whatever you’re being “called” to do..
By taking the time to gaze into the clouds, the tress, the birds, and the flowers you will be reminded that God is everywhere and His gifts are abundant.
Inspired short stories
Story #1
A few weeks ago I was in California teaching a spiritual workshop and as I was walking through a field of tall grasses I looked down and noticed a “nut.”
Now, I am NOT a nut expert or was standing underneath a “nut” tree and there weren’t any other nuts insight!!!! ….(except for me, of course:)
I’m assuming this is a walnut but what I found interesting is the shell was cracked straight down the middle and when I picked it up and separated the pieces, I clearly saw two hearts.
I smiled and my first thought was, “Thanks God. I know we are all a little nuts.” And my second thought, “it’s through the process of healing and being united with our own heart and inner Spirit is when we feel the most Whole and complete.”
And the third thought, “The physical body. It’s about integrating the masculine and feminine “sides” during the transformation process.”
So from this point of receiving Intuitive messages all I could think about is God is everywhere, and watching.
Story #2
As I was walking through the yoga studio’s parking lot, lying next to my truck were two gold coins. No, they aren’t real. They actually look as if they’re from an arcade/game room but again, no arcade is in the vicinity.
Regardless I picked them up and put them in my pocket.
But when I got home I felt inspired to search the words “walnuts” and “gold coins,” separately, to see if there was any correlation in the Bible pertaining to these items.
The answer is yes and if you’re interested you can do your own research.
I don’t desire to push my belief system on anyone. I only share my experiences.
FYI …I’ve put the gold coins in a very safe place, just in case.
Story #3
Be on the lookout for…
Angels. Yes, I said angels. Heaven is invading the earth.
Last week during an intuitive energy session with a client an “angel” appeared in my office bringing a spiritual message.
Because I am clairvoyant and clairaudient the message came through loud and clear.
The angel said to me, “tell her she saw me and I am real.”
I had no idea what “he” meant but it felt as if he was standing in the room with us.
So after the energy session she sat up on the table and I asked her with a straight face, “have you met anyone out of the ordinary lately?”
I didn’t know how else to phrase it.
She began laughing and said, “you’ll never believe this but yesterday I was in Whole Foods and saw a man dressed in white pants, a blue sports coats wearing a huge pair of black sunglasses. He looked like he was from a movie! I told myself, ‘he must be an angel’ but as I got closer to him he disappeared into thin air. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”
Her and I looked at each other in disbelief and then began to laugh.
Apparently angels come and go as they please.
So there you go.
Three inspirational short stories to motivate you to be on the lookout for how God shows up in your life.
Have a blessed week,
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