Reiki Workshops by Intuitive Angela Lenhardt

Reiki I Workshop

Reiki I Workshop – Reiki is sacred energy. It is an ancient art of powerful hands-on healing offered through specific teachings and attunements/initiation. Reiki is the Universal Life Energy that flows through the cells in our body and out our hands and feet.  During Angela’s Reiki classes, you will learn techniques for accessing your own inner healing abilities, strengthen your intuitive awareness and be given a set of tools to empower your life.

Reiki I/ First Degree Reiki increases energy healing in your life, enhances personal growth and certifies you as a Reiki practitioner. The First Level Initiation tends to attune you to knowing your soul’s purpose while strengthening the direction and vision for personal healing.

*Many students experience a profound shift in their energy field and healing abilities after taking the class.

In Reiki I, you will learn:

  • -Understand the healing benefits Reiki has in all areas of your life
  • Learn how to cleanse, balance and energize the chakras
  • -Give a Reiki treatment to yourself, family, friends and pets
  • -Techniques for energetically protecting your body from toxic situations
  • -Basic Feng Shui principals for “shifting” the chi in your home/office environment to promote happiness, health and abundance
  • -Reiki I attunement

If you’re ready access your unlimited healing potential to help yourself while helping others, a Reiki class/attunement may be the next step to assist you for deepening your spiritual connection while learning a technique that may change your life.

When: TBA (contact Angela for details)  

Investment: $175

How to Pay: Contact Angela for instructions

What is Reiki?

Reiki is sacred energy. It is an ancient art of powerful hands-on healing offered through specific teachings and attunements/initiation. Reiki is the Universal Life Energy that flows through the cells in our body and out our hands and feet.

Reiki workshops are ideal for anyone who desires to raise their inner vibration, connect to Sacred energy and transform any area in life.  Learn how to harness this Universal Life Force Energy to heal yourself, friends, family, pets and situations!

Reiki classes are now begin offered live and via zoom.  I will be sharing Reiki wisdom in small intimate classes where you’ll also receive the Reiki attunment. 


Attending a Reiki Workshop with Angela: 

  • Enhances the body’s natural immune system
  • reduces stress
  • activates spiritual connection, intuitive abilities and inner healing
  • a path for discovering the soul’s purpose
  • promotes health and well-being

***Testimonial from Reiki Student***

I had a serious break through when I tool your Reiki I and II classes a few years ago. It helped me heal a trauma that I didn’t even know I had until it popped up during a session.  I use Reiki every day with my massage practice, on myself and on my family.  It has gotten me through some very tough days and remind me of how connected we truly are.  I’m glad you decided to offer these classes again because I think you are a wonderful teacher.” -Abbey