Elevate your inner frequency and accomplish your goals

Is your frequency aligned with your heart’s desire?
We’re taught in today’s society that you need to do in order to have. Now while it’s necessary to put action steps towards your goal, aligning your inner vibration and electromagnetic field is also essential for manifesting new opportunities, good health, love and abundance.
The subconscious vibrations within your mental and emotional realm have the tendency to re-play your personal history; which is hidden in the subconscious mind, therefore, reflected in your present moment.
We live in world created by Vibration. So if you want to transform your intimate world, you’re the one responsible for deepening your awareness and shifting and/or releasing parts of self to elevate your daily experiences.
Here are a few tools I use to raise my vibration, heal and align the energy towards the next phase on my journey.
**Meditations. I love following guided mediations available on utube. Here is one of my favorites for healing and working with the angels.
**Diet. Pay close attention to the fuel that you’re feeding your body. When I want to raise my vibration I concentrate on consuming lemon water and organic, all natural fruits, veggies and protein, while limiting my consumption of caffeine and alcohol.
**Sit in silence. If you’re new to sitting in silence I highly recommend it. Yes. It may be uncomfortable especially because our society has trained us to be distracted. But it’s often within the silence that you’ll hear Intuitive wisdom.
If you’re feeling the desire to get started on a healing journey through spiritual transformation and intuitive guidance, I’d love to assist in navigating your next steps!
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