25 Oct God takes His fur creatures home. This story is proof.
I wanted to share with you an inspirational experience that occurred in my life last week.
As most of you know, I love animals. All animals. And I’ll do whatever it takes to help an animal heal.
Last week, Trigger’s best fur friend passed away from health issues. Her name was Allie and she lived to be 35 yrs old.
Trigger really really loved her and even began his grieving process of missing her the day before she was euthanized. I could see it on his face and in his actions. Allie also knew her time was up on this earthy plane. She was tired and didn’t feel good. Her body language said it all.
On the day she was euthanized, I got to the barn about 5 minutes after she was put down.
From my understanding, Trigger witnessed the entire “thing.” All I know is that when I got to the barn he was standing in the corner of the pasture, whinnying his heart out while looking her direction. I stood with him, hugging and crying with him, too.
Then all of a sudden Trigger decided he wanted to eat so made a B-line for my truck. He knows where the grain is. I followed him, opened the gate and then my car door. He began to eat, peacefully.
When he was finished munching he walked to the other side of my truck and stood looking in Allies’s direction. I sat next to him on a bucket gazing into the field. Unbeknownst to me, my friend, Cathy snapped this photo from her phone in Divine time. No filter has been added. As is.
If you look closley, you’ll see a beam of sunshine in the distance. This is where Allie’s body was laid to rest. Trigger and I sat for a few minutes, and then he turned around and began to eat his alfalfa.
I put my hand on his head and began to pray. Cathy then snapped this photo, without realizing what she was“really” was taking a picture of. The love between two souls.
Love knows no bounds and the healing power of Prayer moves through each and every one of us including our animals.
Without a doubt, I believe God provides for ALL our loved ones. After all, animals are here to help us humans heal and recognize our who we are as spiritual beings.
This is proof. I believe you can visibly see her spirit and God’s connection reunite. 

God takes his fur creatures home.
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