05 May Guardian Angels
Happy Sunday!
According to Scripture, there are numerous examples of angels that are sent to guard and protect humanity.
And according to the Christian tradition, every soul who enters this world is accompanied by a guardian angel. And this angel stays with us from the moment we’re born until the moment of our death, and stays at our side every moment of our life.
Angels vibrate at a very high frequency, know our Divine blueprint and help us live out our soul’s intention.
And if you’re open to their assistance they will help guide and direct you to many magical moments and opportunities.
I also have hope that our animals have guardian angels based on my personal experiences.
I share about my Divine encounters in Trigger’s book. Our journey actually began with him being rescued by an earth angel moments before he took a leap onto a busy highway.
Indeed, this experience was one of the most stressful moments in my life and if I wouldn’t have personally witnessed it, I probably wouldn’t have believed it!
But, it’s true!
A woman appeared out of nowhere and then disappeared out of nowhere for Trigger’s sake.
You can read more about our mystical adventure(s) in Trigger’s book and/or in my memoir, A Charmed Journey.
Order the TRIGGER book on Amazon!
A Guardian Angel Story!
Last week a client came into my office for an intuitive energy healing session. And as she was lying on the table, nothing less than the Miraculous occurred.
I saw and felt an angelic being “fly” into the room and stand next to my client. (my client had her eyes closed.)
When I intuitively asked, “Who are you?” A soft voice replied, “I’m her guardian angel.” And then I began to see divine colors of violet and blue swirl around the room.
This Heavenly presence was AWE-mazing. Loving, warm, caring, and to the point!
The guardian angel commented, “Today is the day we met.”
I didn’t know what she meant by that so I intuitively smiled and nodded.
And then her presence was no longer visible to me.
When my client got off the table, I told her what I saw and relayed the spiritual messages that came through.
My client had the biggest grin on her face and said, “You know, today is my birthday.”
We both had goosebumps!
And then, this spiritual message made perfect sense!

The spiritual realm is so beautiful.
Connecting with your guardian angel takes an open heart and an open ear.
Listen and pay attention to how and when your guardian angel is communicating with you.
Angels often speak to us through flowers, whispers, warm-tingling sensations and goose bumps.
And in my experience, spiritual messages usually show up unexpected and out of the ordinary.
Talk soon!
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