07 Mar Nature Teaches. A Story about a Story that Saved a Life.
Big and small, 2 legged or 4, all lives matter. I feel God put us on earth to be of service to each other, regardless of fur or no fur with the gifts we’ve been given.
I love meeting people and listening to interesting stories. I also enjoy telling stories because I often find myself in “out-of-the-ordinary” situations; therefore, if I can share my experience with another, who knows how it will come full circle in Divine time.
I do my best to be obedient to God’s voice and follow His guidance. And when I find myself needing to make one of two choices, I tune into my intuition and pray my way through the action I’ve chosen.
I mean, when God gives instructions, I believe it’s best to move your feet.
In my opinion …
One of the most interesting places to meet people and have great conversations is in the sauna or cold plunge pool at the gym. You never know who you’re going to meet or what we’ll talk about. Regardless, it’s a joy to meet like-minded individuals working to improve ourselves from the inside out.
A few weeks ago, a handful of us were sitting in the sauna, sweating and talking about the cold pool that had just been introduced to the gym.
To be honest, none of us were that excited about sitting in the 55 degree water for an extended period of time, but we’ve discovered that the aftereffects are life changing.
Moreover ….
We were talking about life experiences and someone asked me if I’d ever cold plunged into a lake. I said, “Yes. But not intentionally.” Then I proceeded to share an adventure that happened years ago while walking around a lake with my dogs. It was the dead of winter and a stranger’s dog fallen through the ice, so I jumped in and brought him back to shore.
You can ready full story here—>
As my story telling in the sauna came to an end, I headed out the door and playfully said,
“No dog dies under my watch.”
We all chuckled and parted ways.
Weeks later….
I saw the couple in the sauna, again. The gentlemen looked at me and said, “Hey. Are you the girl who told us the dog story a few weeks ago?!”
I replied, “yes.”
He said, “You’ll never guess what happened to us on our walk!?
This morning we took our dogs on the trail and a woman approaching us said, ‘Do you realize you’re being followed by three coyotes?!’ I turned around and sure enough a small pack of coyotes were stalking us.
So I raised my hands and shouted at the top of my lungs. The coyotes scampered as fast as they could until a neighbor’s dog jumped out of his backyard and into the center of the pack.
I immediately knew I had to do a something to save this dog! So without hesitation, I unleashed my golden retriever and told her to ‘go get em!’
With no fear, my dog took off after the coyotes and the neighbor’s dog was able to get away and run to safety.
My golden retriever barreled back to me with the biggest smile on her face. It’s as if she knew she’d saved a furry friend.
I looked at my wife and said, ‘no dog dies under my watch.’
We both smiled, laughed and thought of you.
Thank you for sharing your story because it inspired us to do what we needed to do in our predicament.
Moral of the story …
When you need to “jump” into action for yourself or a friend, do so! And do it UN-afraid! Move ahead with conviction as if you KNOW you’re doing the “right” thing and trust the power of the Holy Spirit is running through your veins.
All in all….
Life is interesting, isn’t it? Kinda like we are walking each other home one step at a time. I also find it ironic how Divinely orchestrated this Universe is, and how we are designed to “show up” in each other’s lives to share a particular event that may impact someone’s future.
Btw ….
Dog is spelled God backwards. So there’s that. 🙂
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