Summer Solstice! What are your intentions and what spiritual practices are you doing to make it happen!

Happy summer solstice!
Today marks the longest day of the year and with that, the bounty of the harvest.
As the world continues to find it’s new “normal,” keep in mind that being able to manage your personal vibration is a must.
Releasing fears, letting go of pent-up emotions and aligning your energy with your Highest truth is the key to raising your internal frequency leading the way to vibrant health and happiness.
Remember, as we shift into the summer months, set the intention to balance yourself within the vision you desire.  Plant the seeds you wish to reap and continue to seek techniques for transforming soul lessons and sacred contracts lingering within the subconscious memory. The body has an interesting way of holding on to “baggage” that isn’t known to the rational mind.  This is why spiritual practices are essential. The intuitive work and sessions we do together is often beyond the constructs of logical thinking.
When I refer to techniques, I’m relating to specific breathing exercises, yoga positions, karmic clearing, Qi gong healing, meditations and visualizations. Since each person is unique in their healing process, using your intuition will guide you to the next “exercise.”   Communication with your body and listening to its needs will allow for a deep spiritual awakening.
If you need help, let me know. My office doors are open!
Cheers to a Great beginning and happy solstice,
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