24 Feb The mystery of Faith.
As the saying goes, “life is stranger than fiction.”
The other morning I went to the coffee shop before I went to my office. Entering my latest book, Trigger the Wonder Horse: Memoir of A Spiritual Warrior into a few contests was on my agenda plus I enjoy “working” with a cup of coffee in hand.
But that particular day, the process of completing my mission was beyond challenging. From technical difficulties to the file being too big, it took patience and presence to get the job done! But after two hours of wiping the sweat from my palms, I persevered.
Everything about that experience told me that I needed to go for a walk in nature. My intention was to clear by mind and body from an overwhelmingly sensation of pressure and stress, and decided to stay close to home and walk in the neighborhood.
It was mid-afternoon and the park was quiet. Besides me, a couple were the only ones in the vicinity. I sat down at a picnic bench and began to pray. I asked God for guidance about various things in my life, but most importantly, I wanted clarity about entering my book in the contests. My exact words were, “God. Please give me a message that leaves no room for misinterpretation.”
The weather felt like a warm spring day with the sun beaming down on my spine. It felt so good to soak in the sun’s nourishment. But then, I was inspired to get up and back to business.
I looked around the park wondering “who” is going to give me a message. I mean, the park was empty except for the couple, and they weren’t headed my direction.
I looked up to the sky. Is there a “sign” in the clouds of some sort?
Nothing. No message that I could decipher, anyway.
As I’m ½ through the park, I rounded the corner and noticed a white piece of paper lying in the middle of the sidewalk.
There wasn’t a soul in sight.
My heart began to race and I thought to myself, “is that my message?”
I bent down and picked up the folded piece of paper. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was verse from the Bible that read, “2nd Timothy Chapter 1, Verse 7: God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, LOVE and self-control. I love you, Shannon.”
I sat down and began to cry. I was a bit overwhelmed by the “whole” experience of the morning and now I receive a message, on a piece a paper, from Shannon. So to remain in alignment with who I am and what I do, I chose to make a face book live video and show others what had just transpired, in real time.
Five minutes or so went by, and then a woman approached me asking if I needed anything. I told her my tears were “happy” tears but I appreciated her stopping to ask.
I caught my breath. I folded the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. I walked home.
I put the note where I can be reminded of how God works.
Mysteriously, through people, and all in His timing.
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