29 Jan The Power of manifesting: Align your energy with your desires.
As a man thinketh in his heart so is he”
Yesterday I was working with two of my favorite people, Diane and Erik, and yesterday was Erik’s birthday so Diane and I were wondering what sort of gift would be best for Erik.
But because Erik is watching his diet, we knew we couldn’t get him a birthday cake so I said, “let’s get him a lucky bamboo plant” and Diane thought that was a Good idea.
So I went to the store looking for the perfect plant and sure enough, there was one on the self, with 3 stalks. So I bought it.
I returned to the showroom and showed Diane. She loved it. The plant was small, cute and definitely made a statement.
And out of the blue I asked Diane if she had a red ribbon. She looked at me as if I had 3 heads and said “oh let me check my pockets?”
We laughed and laughed… no red ribbon was in her pocket. (She’s a smart a$$ like me.)
So I said, “there’s got to be a ribbon around here somewhere.” We looked in every cubby and drawer but there was no red ribbon was hiding anywhere.
Ok fine, I thought. No ribbon. Life will go on…
3 minutes later…
I needed to warm up my tea, and lo and behold I looked down on the floor and there was a red ribbon dangling on the lower shelf that I walk past at least 20x per day and had never before noticed a ribbon.
I grabbed the red ribbon and said “I found it.”
Yeah. We were both a little amazed.
I tied it onto the bamboo plant and we gave it to Erik.
He really liked his bamboo plant and was very grateful.
Erik also brought a scratch lotto ticket. And as he was scraping off the grey “stuff” on the ticket, he realized he’d won $20 bucks!
So fun!! I love it!!
The Universe works…. round and round we go.
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