12 Sep The time to reap the benefits of a fruitful harvest.

“When angels appear”
As I sat down to write this email, I began thinking about angels and the power of Divine guidance, and then I scrolled through facebook and noticed this photo that was posted yesterday. To me this is evidence that God and his angels are watching over our world. (The angel is on the left and the soldier on the right).
So with that, my thoughts were then directed to deliver an inspired message about the power of inner transformation.
You see, the soul’s growth and evolution is continuously participating in at least 3 cosmic/earthy cycles simultaneously (in this dimension anyway.)
For instance, the physical body is experiencing a one year cycle, just like mother nature. The “inner shift” cycle is happening every 7 years, and then the spiritual body is operating within a nine year cycle. This is the renewal process of the mind, body and spirit.
Traumas, pain, chaos, ancestral, earthy and spiritual lessons/agreements are deeply embedded within these multi-dimensional layers of the soul that are beckoning to be healed and transcended. This is God’s plan for your life. To heal and connect. To renew the mind and connect with the One Mind.
So you may be wondering, “why is it so challenging to break certain “cycles” in my life?”
And the answer may be hidden in this thought. “It’s necessary to transform the energy within Self FIRST before the external world can show you the evidence of change.”
Now I wish I could say that I just read a few spiritual books and all of “this” made logical sense to me. But this isn’t the case. This information has been revealed to me over the past year in my personal experiences, and in my face over the past 6 weeks! In fact, it’s mind boggling!
So if you’re saying to yourself, “What can I do to begin heal my cosmic/earthy cycles today?”…
Here is a suggestion to begin the inward journey of personal transformation…
The harvest full moon will appear Friday the 13th…
Go outside and look up. Immerse yourself in Mother Earth’s nutrients by fueling yourself with Yin energy. The fall season is the time of year to reap the seeds you’ve sown. To harvest the hard work you’ve devoted your time and energy towards; your dreams and ambitions. And as you gaze into this 9th full moon in 2019, (how ironic is that?) take a deep breath and feel the wave of this healing light cleanse and purify your physical body one cell at a time, creating space for new beginnings and opportunities to be attracted to your soul for living your life’s purpose.
Now granted, personal transformation takes time, patience and dedication. There is NO quick fix for transforming your life, but you can take one step and then another. And within a short amount of time you’ll be able to look back and see how far you’ve come in creating lasting changes from within.
For more information on how you can transform your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical body, let’s connect!
I look forward to assisting you in creating a life that you love!
Love, Blessings and Happy Harvest Moon,
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