13 Apr Transform your personal energy to Rise through challenging times
Let’s face it, with the pervading thoughts of uncertainly skyrocketing through the world’s airwaves, it’s easy to get caught up in fear and forget that when we ask for spiritual guidance it is given. The next step is ALWAYS given —-but in Divine time. The battle is learning how to tame the monkey mind and act in the precise moment when the window of opportunity presents itself.
Responding to Wisdom within a certain time frame is essential for making the next best choices for yourself, your family, your business and your future. The “energy” surrounding your physical body is tangible to those who are clairvoyant, clairaudient or clairsentience. And in most cases, those of us who are sensitive to sensing this type of energy can assist you in transforming the “vibes” within this field before they become your personal reality.
Remember ….Transforming energy happens through awareness, specific exercises, clearings, meditations and healings.
How do you connect with your intuitive wisdom?
Here are a few suggestions your Highest wisdom may be communicating with you:
-a theme of “random” words spoken within a short period of time through multiple individuals
-license plates on the car in front of you
-repetitive phrases in music
-the title of a book that continues to catch your eye
Tips for clearing your electromagnetic field:
-epsom salt bath
-sitting in the sun
-prayer and meditation
-feng shui cleansing of home and office environment
Whatever your method of receiving spiritual messages and clearing your energetic field are, ultimately, learning how to quiet the mind will allow you to hear spiritual direction while putting your body in the “headspace” to recognize an opportunity.
There is no better time than NOW to get clear about your soul’s missions and purpose. Look for the evidence, as it’s often begging for attention. Use this “down time” from the COVID-19 quarantine experience as an opportunity to make a personal connection with Faith and learn how your Divine wisdom is speaking to you!
With Great humility I”m sharing this message I received from a dear friend/client. Her words brought tears to my eyes. And thank you ALL for your referrals!!! I truly appreciate them! And if I can help you in anyway, please don’t hesitate to ask. My intuitive sessions/readings are now being offered through office visits, Zoom and Face Time.
My heart was broken into a million pieces, shattered. I couldn’t breathe. I just lost my 32 year old son.
I was alone – although married. Frightened. Frantic. Searching for answers. Being strong and brave for my family. But weak inside.
I asked a friend … seeking a counselor. The referral: Angela.
Desperate, I reached out to Angela. Her first words to me “you lost your son, didn’t you?” Astonished, Shocked. Relieved … someone understood my pain. My lifeline.
And that was the beginning of a life changing transformation and deeper understanding of self and the Universe and how God directs all that happens in His own way and time.
Angel opened the door … she was … and still is my lifeline. Bringing me from the depths of despair to see the light once again. Angela saved my life.
Angela’s intuitive and spiritual ability became a great source of comfort but she also challenged me. Set goals for me. I worked hard and she encouraged me every step of the way.
Trust is a very personal commitment to someone. Angela built that trust and it grew stronger each time we met. I never had reason to doubt her trust.
I sought refuge in her safe, calm and peaceful environment. And I began to heal.
Angela is more than a counselor or spiritual healer. She is a gift. She is gifted. She is real. She has brought healing to many and I pray will continue to do so.
I highly recommend Angela without hesitation or reservation.
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