What room in your home is the prosperity corner?

The feng shui wealth corner in your home and office is linked to the energy of prosperity moving in your life.  If you’re interested  in sprucing up the “abundance” department in your intimate world, this area is generally located in the southeast corner in your home/office.  Whether you desire better heath, more love or an increase in finances, stimulating this area is beneficial for overall well-being because the vibration in your environment is heightened. And depending on your situation, when you apply intention and if a feng shui cure is needed,  the “blockages” that might be stifling your progress are often removed from your path.

Elements that may assist you in shifting the energy in the wealth corner resonate to deep “royal” colors such as: emerald green, purple, burgundy and gold.  It’s also key to place elements that symbolize wood in this area as well.    Plants, trees and water represent growth and ignite a spark to your imagination and creativity.  Use this space wisely and  intention is everything!  So while you’re balancing the chi in your space, keep in mind what IS your desired result.

One more suggestion,  a water feature is greatly beneficial  but I recommend a feature that gives the impression of being “heavy,” therefore,  a fountain made from stone is often best. By using these feng shui  principles you are sending the message to the Universe what you intentionally want to create.

I hope this helps you align your energy with success!

What would you like to create in your life?




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