Feng Shui Tip #1. The Art of Flow

Transformation is everywhere and people are becoming extremely aware of how sensitive they have become to intangible energy.
Lately, I’ve been asked to feng shui homes and offices and one of the questions I often hear is,  “how can I use feng shui principles to stimulate the energy in my home or office and attract something new into my life?”
Tip #1
Begin at the front door.
Depending on what direction your front door is located in relationship to a compass and where your front door is located according to the bagua, will determine which elements to place in your entry way.
More than likely you’ll want to place a water element such as a mirror or water feature in this area, but not always.  This is why you need to use your intuition because the house may also “speak” for itself.
Water symbolizes flow and abundance, and stimulating a proper flow of energy is the key to welcoming new opportunities into your life.
Helpful hint: Be sure physical “blocks” are not stifling your flow.  Broken door handles, excess shoes or candles in this area are not the best for creating new opportunities, as these elements cause a distraction and may have a negative effect on your subconscious and create mind clutter.
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