Your health is your Greatest wealth

How often do you take time for personal self care?
Meditation, walks in nature, connecting with Spirit, yin yoga, the gym, nutritious meals, an epsom salt bath, or whatever speaks to you, are simple ways to assist your body in detoxifying and decompressing from societal pressures.
With the myriad of distractions we face in our daily life, deliberately taking yourself “away” to just be may be the prescription you need to find your center and return to homeostasis.
The body is a wise vehicle and isn’t designed to constantly be under an immense amount of stress for an extended period of time.
Physical, mental, emotional or spiritual energy burdens the body’s electromagnetic field and over time can manifest dis-harmony within the cells of your temple.  When the body’s “signs” are consciously ignored, chances are you may be venturing down an irreversible path that may have been prevented by applying a few mind/body techniques.
With all that is happening in our world, I invite you to see yourself worthy of personal Sacred time to rest and rejuvenate so you can clearly step into an expanded state of health and well-being for years to come.
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